Topografía del Borrado (Wapiti)

Gabriela Bettini

Colonialist-shaped mindsets, imagery, and categories of knowledge are the issues Gabriela Bettini deals with in her work, where she exposes and reflects their constructions. The central themes of the Spanish artist with Argentine roots encompass the critical engagement with the visual representation of nature against the backdrop of scientifically codified worldviews. She examines from an ecofeminist perspective the links between social understandings of nature, gender relations, and different systems of exploitation and economic appropriation of resources, and she inquires into the role of art in determining the relationship of humanity to nature.

Gabriela Bettini's works have been shown, among other places, at Centro Cultural Borges and Centro Cultural de la Memoria Haroldo Conti, both in Buenos Aires, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes in the Canaries, Casa de América Latina in Lisbon, and Fondation Argentine in Paris.

Topografía del Borrado (Wapiti) is a work part of the project Derivada by Fundación Banco Santander.

Images © Juan Millás

(Shipment not included)

    [id] => 305
    [id_artist] => 26
    [id_work] => 0
    [title] => Topografía del Borrado (Wapiti)
    [subtitle] =>   Gabriela Bettini
    [year] => 2020
    [url_key] => gabriela-bettini-topografia-del-borrado-wapiti
    [category] => prints
    [url_img] => ../img/objects/gabriela_wapiti1.jpg
    [url_thumb] => 
    [text] => <p>Colonialist-shaped mindsets, imagery, and categories of knowledge are the issues Gabriela Bettini deals with in her work, where she exposes and reflects their constructions. The central themes of the Spanish artist with Argentine roots encompass the critical engagement with the visual representation of nature against the backdrop of scientifically codified worldviews. She examines from an ecofeminist perspective the links between social understandings of nature, gender relations, and different systems of exploitation and economic appropriation of resources, and she inquires into the role of art in determining the relationship of humanity to nature.</p><p>Gabriela Bettini's works have been shown, among other places, at Centro Cultural Borges and Centro Cultural de la Memoria Haroldo Conti, both in Buenos Aires, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes in the Canaries, Casa de América Latina in Lisbon, and Fondation Argentine in Paris.</p><p>Topografía del Borrado (Wapiti) is a work part of the project Derivada by Fundación Banco Santander.</p><p>Images © Juan Millás</p><p><br></p><p>(Shipment not included)</p>
    [text_es] => <p>Las mentalidades, las imágenes y las categorías de conocimiento con forma colonialista son los temas que aborda Gabriela Bettini en su trabajo, donde expone y refleja sus construcciones. Los temas centrales de la artista española con raíces argentinas abarcan el compromiso crítico con la representación visual de la naturaleza en el contexto de visiones del mundo científicamente codificadas.</p><p>Examina desde una perspectiva ecofeminista los vínculos entre la comprensión social de la naturaleza, las relaciones de género y los diferentes sistemas de explotación y apropiación económica de los recursos, e indaga sobre el papel del arte en la determinación de la relación de la humanidad con la naturaleza.</p><p>Las obras de Gabriela Bettini han sido expuestas, entre otros lugares, en el Centro Cultural Borges y el Centro Cultural de la Memoria Haroldo Conti, ambos en Buenos Aires, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes en Canarias, Casa de América Latina en Lisboa, y Fondation Argentina en París.</p><p>Topografía del Borrado (Wapiti) es una obra que forma parte del proyecto Derivada de la Fundación Banco Santander.</p><p>Imágenes © Juan Millás</p><p><br></p><p>(Transporte no incluido)</p>
    [file] => 
    [timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
    [images] => 
    [publisher] => 
    [contributor] => 
    [designer] => 
    [printer] => 
    [publication_date] => 
    [binding] => 
    [binding_es] => 
    [dimensions] => 33 x 44 cm.
    [width] => 33
    [height] => 44
    [depth] => 
    [weight] => 
    [edition] => Ed. of 250 + 50 AP,  signed by the artist
    [edition_es] => Ed. de 250 + 50 PA,  firmado por la artista
    [materials] => Etching, gravure, embossing and digital chine-collé on Sunji paper
    [materials_es] => Grabado, huecograbado, grabados en relieve y chine-collé digital en papel Sunji
    [pages] => 
    [reproductions] => 
    [isbn] => 
    [retail] => 
    [status] => 
    [status_es] => 
    [stock] => 
    [stock_es] => 
    [price] => 
    [price_eur] => 248
    [price_usd] => 
    [currency] => EUR
    [mostrar] => 1
    [usuario] =>
    [items_stock] => 47
    [comments_eshop] => 
    [control_guille] => 
    [stock_init] => 50
    [url_video] =>
248 EUR
Título: Topografía del Borrado (Wapiti)
Año: 2020
Dimensiones: 33 x 44 cm.
Materiales: Etching, gravure, embossing and digital chine-collé on Sunji paper
Edición: Ed. of 250 + 50 AP, signed by the artist