The untitled show

Waqas Khan

    [id] => 297
    [id_artist] => 9
    [id_work] => 0
    [title] => The untitled show
    [subtitle] => Waqas Khan
    [year] => 2014
    [url_key] => waqas-khan-the-untitled-show
    [category] => books
    [url_img] => ../img/objects/12.png
    [url_thumb] => 
    [text] => <p><br></p>
    [text_es] => 
    [file] => 
    [timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
    [images] => 
    [publisher] => Sabrina Amrani Gallery
    [contributor] => Multiple contributors
    [designer] => Pixel Farm
    [printer] => Graficas Crutomen
    [publication_date] => 2014
    [binding] => Softcover
    [binding_es] => Softcover
    [dimensions] => 8 3/10 x 7 3/10 in. | 21,2 x 18,7  cm
    [width] => 21.2
    [height] => 18.7
    [depth] => 
    [weight] => 
    [edition] => 
    [edition_es] => 
    [materials] => 
    [materials_es] => 
    [pages] => 80 
    [reproductions] => 3 color | 17 b&w
    [isbn] => 978-84-940345-1-0
    [retail] => 30€
    [status] => for sale
    [status_es] => for sale
    [stock] => 
    [stock_es] => 
    [price] => 
    [price_eur] => 30
    [price_usd] => 
    [currency] => EUR
    [mostrar] => 1
    [usuario] =>
    [items_stock] => 12
    [comments_eshop] => 
    [control_guille] => 
    [stock_init] => 1
    [url_video] => 
30 EUR
Publisher: Sabrina Amrani Gallery
Contributor(s): Multiple contributors
Designer: Pixel Farm
Printer: Graficas Crutomen
Publication date: 2014
Binding: Softcover
Dimensions: 8 3/10 x 7 3/10 in. | 21,2 x 18,7 cm
Pages: 80
Reproductions: 3 color | 17 b&w
ISBN: 978-84-940345-1-0