'De Profundis'
'De Profundis'
'De Profundis'
'De Profundis'
'De Profundis'
'De Profundis'
'De Profundis'
'De Profundis'
'De Profundis'
'De Profundis'
'De Profundis'

'De Profundis'

Joël Andrianomearisoa

4 Feb - 28 Mar 2015

Sabrina Amrani Art Gallery presents "De Profundis", the first exhibition at the gallery of Malagasy artist Jöel Andrianomearisoa, leading the viewer almost blindly through a journey from light to darkness; from the primeval dawn of life to mysterious indescribable loss.

In this new exhibition, Andrianomearisoa continues his earlier engagement with the realities of love, their crude manifestations of borderless desire bound up with the most abysmal faces of the world: violence, domination, longing, cruelty, effacement. "De Profundis", taking cue from Oscar Wilde's eponymous prison letter (1897), is not an approximation to but an affirmation of the sinister power of love, its élan vital.

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